Transform Your Career with
"Web Developer Course 2.0": Create
25 Websites and Applications
We will teach you how to create applications using HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and MySQL, along with other web tools in just 2 months.
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This course will be useful for you
Beginner developer
You will receive practical knowledge and completed portfolio works that will help you confidently start in the IT sphere.
You will improve your skills in working with APIs and developing applications that integrate with social networks. This will allow you to implement more complex and interesting projects.
You will understand the technical aspects of working with Twitter and creating tools for analyzing and managing content and will be able to influence the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
You will be able to create unique tools to attract and retain customers.
Master Web Development from Beginner
to Advanced with "Web Developer Course 2.0"
The "Web Developer Course 2.0" is your go-to resource for learning web development, designed for both beginners and experienced developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. To make the learning process manageable, the course is divided into specialized modules. Each section includes lectures and practical assignments. This format ensures that you'll master web development skills and be able to apply them in real projects.
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This course will be useful for you
Module 1
Introduction and setup
You will learn how to properly set up tools and use cutting materials.
Overview of the Introduction and Setup section How to get additional free materials Setting for Windows
A note about the Brackets editor Setup for Mac
How to ask great questions Frequently asked questions
Module 2
You will learn how to create web pages using HTML5.
Section overview HTML 5 Your first Web Page Web Page structure Setup for Mac Creating a complete Web Page Paragraph Tags Text Formatting Unordered Lists
Numbered Lists Images Forms Tables Links Mnemonic characters (HTML entities) I-Frames
HTML Project - Putting It All Together Setting Up Free Hosting FTP setup Note About Firefox Versions Further Reading - HTML HTML Quiz Questions CCA HTML Level 1
Module 3
You'll learn how to style web pages with CSS3, improving both their appearance and user experience!
CSS 3 Section Overview What is CSS? Setting for Windows Inline CSS Internal CSS Classes and Identifiers Div blocks Colors Float
Float Position Margin fields Padding Borders Fonts Text Styling Text Alignment Styling Links
CSS Project - BBC News Website (1) CSS Project - BBC News Website (2) CSS Project - BBC News Website (3) CSS Project - BBC News Website (4) External CSS Documentation 2 - CSS Test Questions CCA CSS Level 1
Module 4
You'll get acquainted with the basics of JavaScript, learning how to properly set
up tools and use the language's basic constructs to create interactive web pages.
Overview of the "Javascript" Section What is Javascript? A note about the Brackets editor Internal Javascript Accessing Items Reacting to Mouse Click Changes to Website Content Manipulating Styles with Javascript
Mini-Task - Vanishing Circles Variables Arrays IF statements Javascript Game - How Many Fingers Cycles Cycles While
Functions Javascript Project - React Testing External Javascript Further Reading - Javascript Documentation 3 - Javascript Test Questions - Javascript CCA Javascript Level 1
Module 5
You will get acquainted with the jQuery library, which simplifies the process of working with JavaScript.
Overview of the "jQuery" Section What is jQuery? Using jQuery On Your Web Pages Mouse Click Definition Changes to Website Content Changing Website Styles Disappearing Content
Content Animation AJAX Regular Expressions Mini Project - Form Check Введение в jQuery UI Draggables & Resizables
Droppables Accordion & Sortables jQuery Project - Code Player Further Reading - jQuery Test Questions - JQuery CCA jQuery Level 1
Module 6
Bootstrap 4
You will get acquainted with the Bootstrap 4 framework, which will simplify the process of creating web applications.
Overview of the "Bootstrap 4" Section What is Bootstrap? Your First Bootstrap Website Grid system Navigation Bars Navbars
Forms & Tables Bootstrap Components ScrollSpy Modals, Popovers & Tooltips
Project - Application Page Free Bootstrap Themes Further Reading - Bootstrap Security Questions - Bootstrap
Module 7
You will get acquainted with WordPress, a powerful platform for creating and
managing websites that offers a lot of features for developers and users.
Overview of the "Wordpress" Section What is Wordpress? Wordpress Dashboard WordPress Themes
Important: Note about Topic X and Next Lecture How To Get $10 Off Theme X Blog Creation E-Commerce Website Creation
Wordpress Task - Website Creation Further Reading - Wordpress Security Questions - Wordpress
Module 8
You'll dive into the fundamentals of PHP, starting with the basics and moving
on to more advanced concepts like working with variables, arrays, and forms.
Overview of the "PHP" Section Introduction to PHP Hello World in PHP Variables Arrays IF statements
For and For Each Loops While Loops GET Variables POST Variables Sending Email in PHP Mini-Project - "Contact" Form
How to Get Content from Other Scripts Project - Weather Extraction Further Reading - PHP PHP Test Questions CCA PHP Level 1
Module 9
A comprehensive introduction to MySQL, covering important topics such as database connections,
data retrieval and manipulation, session management, and secure password storage.
Overview of the "MySQL 5" Section Introduction to MySQL Connecting to a Database Getting Data from a Database Insert and Update Data
Looping Through Data Session Variables Cookies Secure Password Storage A Note on Safe Password Storage - password_hash()
Project Secret Diary (1) Project Secret Diary (2) Further Reading - MySQL CCA MySQL Level 1 Test Questions - MySQL
Module 10
You'll learn the basics of working with APIs and be able
to integrate external services into your applications.
API Section Overview What is API? What's the Weather Lik Google Maps API
Geocoding in Google Maps Mini-Task - Finding a Postal Code Twitter API - UPDATE Twitter API
Task - Creating a Twitter Client Further Reading - API Test Questions - API
Module 11
Mobile Applications
You will learn to work with HTML, App.JS, study methods of persistent data storage,
learn how to develop and publish applications on Google Play and the App Store.
Mobile Apps Section Overview Creating HTML Apps Using App.JS
Persistent Storage Assignment - Mail Client App Introduction to Phonegap Build
Publishing Apps to Google Play Publishing Apps to the App Store Further Reading - Mobile Apps
Module 12
Accessibility HTML 5 & CSS 3
You will learn the basics of HTML5, CSS3 with an emphasis on advanced selectors,
pseudo-classes, gradients, shadows, transformations and animation.
HTML 5/CSS 3 Accessibility Section Overview What is HTML5? HTML5 Forms Features Audio & Video HTML5 Canvas
HTML5 Challenge - Clock Face Other HTML5 Features What is CSS 3? Advanced Selectors Pseudo-Classes
Gradients and Shadows Transformations and Animations Layout and Calculations Further Reading - HTML 5 & CSS 3
Module 13
You will learn the basics of the Python language and also implement the
Mastermind project, which will allow you to develop programming skills.
Python Section Overview Why Learn Python? Important: Note If You Work With FireFTP Hello World in Python
Variables and Arrays Loops in Python IF Statements in Python
Functions in Python Python Project - Mastermind Further Reading - Python
Module 14
Bonus section: Twitter Replica Using MBC
You'll learn how to set up an MVC framework and Twitter functionality, including
displaying tweets, managing subscriptions, publishing tweets, and searching for profiles.
Part 1: Setting Up MVC Framework Part 2: Displaying Tweets
Part 3: Following & Unfollowing Part 4: Publishing a Tweet
Part 5: Searching & Viewing Profiles Twitter Copy
Module 15
Next Steps
Next Steps
Module 16
Bonus section
BONUS (Bonus Lecture)
Our pricing packages offer cost-effective solutions
that are tailored to your needs and goals.
Basic $50
A solid foundation for those starting their journey in web development.
Start Now
  • Web Development Fundamentals: Introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • Access to educational materials: 3 months
  • Certificate of Completion: Proof of your knowledge upon completion of the course.
Professional $60
Dive deeper with advanced tools and techniques for aspiring developers.
Start Now
  • Everything from the Basic package.
  • In-depth study: JavaScript, jQuery и Bootstrap 4.
  • Access to educational materials: 6 months
  • Feedback from the teacher: Opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
Advanced $75
A package for marketers, analysts and advanced developers who want to create complex tools for collecting metrics and managing customer flows.
Start Now
  • Everything from the Professional package.
  • Building and Managing Websites:
  • WordPress and PHP Basics.
  • Analytical Tools: Introduction to MySQL 5 and API.
  • Access to educational materials: 9 months
  • Feedback from the teacher: Opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
Vip $90
This package offers comprehensive solutions for employee training, including training in leadership, project management and innovative technologies.
Start Now
  • Everything from the Advanced package.
  • Mobile application development: creation of mobile applications.
  • Customized projects: Individual solutions for business needs.
  • Access to educational materials: 12 months
  • Access to analytical tools: Monitoring progress and results.
Сorporate $160
This package is designed for corporate clients seeking to improve teamwork and increase the efficiency of business processes. It offers comprehensive solutions for employee training, including training in leadership, project management and innovative technologies.
Start Now
  • Everything from the VIP package.
  • Group classes: Organizing training for a team (up to 10 people).
  • Consultations: Opportunity to ask questions to teachers and receive answers.
  • Access to educational materials: 12 months
  • Access to analytical tools: Monitoring progress and results.
Reviews from our graduates
Junior Developer
I took the course and especially the special features of HTML 5/CSS 3' came in handy. This knowledge helped me to solve a specific problem on my first project. We were developing a responsive website, and thanks to the techniques learned I was able to implement semantic markup and use the new HTML 5 elements, which greatly improved the code structure. I also learned how to apply CSS 3 to create animations and effects that made the website more attractive and interactive. As a result, our project has received positive feedback from the client and I feel confident in my development career!
Junior Developer
After completing the course, I was able to get a job in a large IT company. The knowledge I gained helped me to pass job interviews with confidence. Especially useful were the trainings on modern technologies and development methods. I feel that I have become more competitive on the labor market!
Frontend Developer
The course opened new horizons for me. I learned not only how to program, but also how to work effectively in a team. The acquired skills helped me to successfully cope with projects at my new job. Now I am confident in communicating with my colleagues and proposing my ideas!
Backend Developer
After completing the course, I noticed a significant improvement in my professional skills. Knowledge about project management and leadership helped me to take responsibility for several projects. I became more confident in my abilities and now I can effectively solve complex tasks.
Full Stack Developer
The course was a real breakthrough for me. I not only refreshed my knowledge, but also learned about new tools and approaches in development. It helped me get a job in a startup, where I am now applying all the skills I learned. I feel confident and ready for new challenges!
Mobile Developer
I took the course with the hope of improving my skills, and it exceeded all expectations. The knowledge I gained helped me not only to get a job, but also to successfully cope with real tasks. I have become more confident in my abilities and can now boldly propose ideas in meetings with the team.
Our teachers
Alexey Dyatlov
HTML teacher
Web developer with 10 years of experience, creator of more than 50 successful websites for various companies.
Marina Petrova
CSS- teacher
Interface designer with experience working in large IT companies, participant in international design competitions.
Dmitry Sidorov
Experienced developer, author of 3 popular JavaScript libraries and tools, speaker at technical conferences.
Ekaterina Nikolaeva
jQuery, PHP - teacher
Lead developer at a startup, created over 15 projects using jQuery, active member of the developer community.
Igor Mikhailov
Python, MySQL- teacher
A database expert with 8 years of experience, he has developed solutions to optimize work with databases for the largest companies.
You will receive a certificate and prove that you have become a
web developer. An official certificate will significantly increase
your chances of getting a job compared to other candidates.
An official certificate will increase your chances of getting a job among other candidates.
Our graduates work here
Do I need to have programming experience to enroll in the course?
No, no programming experience is required. Our course is beginner-friendly and we start from the very basics so that anyone can master web development.
What is web development and why should you choose this direction?
Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites and applications, covering both the front-end and back-end. This field offers high employment prospects, creative expression, and the opportunity for continuous professional growth.
What certificate will I receive upon completion of the course?
Upon completion of the course, you will receive an official certificate confirming your web development skills, which will increase your chances of getting a job.
What if I change my mind?
If you have already started training, refunds are only possible in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the offer agreement.
Is it possible to ask the teacher questions?
Yes, you will have the opportunity to ask questions during classes and consultations. We value active student participation!